Can I get a Return ( one-way) taxi from Ooty to Coimbatore airport ?
Ooty to Coimbatore one-way taxi easily you can get it only for during season time only . If required normal you have go contact some local tour operator. Taxi in Ooty 9843052696
What is the distance from Ooty to coonoor railway station and what is the taxi charges one way dropping ?
Ooty to coonoor distance 20 km one way , by cab it will take to reach 39 minutes.
Taxi Service in Ooty Granduff Road Cab Lovedale Ooty
Near by taxi service in Granduff Road Near mandhada. Lovedale club. Book cheapest taxi service in Ooty Granduff Road to Ooty bus stand tranfer taxi service . Ooty Granduff Road hotels la mountana cab , Hill country car rental , I india , Tulip Valley view taxi services.
What is local sightseeing taxi duration in Ooty ?
Normally in Ooty taxi operators provide taxi 5 hrs or 8 hrs taxi ride .
What is the taxi fare from Ooty to Bowers chalte , mallikorai Village ?
From Ooty to Bowers chalte cab fare one way Rs. 900 .